Visiting these two projects, Conmar and Proyecto Sucre, plays a vital role in helping them advance their ongoing goals and continue their collaboration with the Ciriales community. These initiatives are dedicated to fostering a more sustainable lifestyle, with a deep commitment to protecting the surrounding ecosystems. By supporting these projects, we help them move closer to their vision of a sustainable future—one where the community is actively engaged in preserving their environment. Furthermore, they are dedicated to expanding coral planting efforts and integrating new technologies to ensure the long-term health of the ecosystem for generations to come.
We intend to always leave a piece of us in the communities of the places we visit.
Together we have the “Proyecto Sucre” Foundation, a project that focuses on working with local communities, by guiding them into a more sustainable way of living in harmony with the ecosystems they so much depend on as their main source of income.
This way, they will also become the protectors of these ecosystems by building solid and long-term foundations through our different pillars:
- Environmental Education
- Sustainable Tourism
- Waste Management
- Restoration of Ecosystems
- Introduction to Sports
- Sustainable Agriculture
CONMAR (Conservación Marina Ecuador) is a marine conservation organization founded in 2021 by Marine Scientist Anni Borges, Oceanographer Santiago Menoscal, and Environmental Engineer Andrea Castillo.
Their mission is to educate and preserve marine ecosystems and Ecuadorian coastal resources through environmental education and science.
"Corallium” is the first coral restoration project in continental Ecuador. Currently, they have two nursery areas in 2 locations inside the Machalilla National Park.
The first location is Salango, which was installed in November 2021. Then, they started a nursery in Sucre Islet in July 2022.
They have around 3000 coral fragments between the two locations.
They have also started implementing a new out-planting methodology called "spiders", consisting of a rebar frame coated with sand, where the coral fragments are placed and grow on the structure, with the purpose of re-populating areas where the entire ecosystem has been destroyed.
During our visit, we will have the opportunity to plan our own spiders!! and contribute to this amazing project.